And a Blog is Born

Erin RuefUncategorized

About a year ago, I was lucky enough to sit on a lovely patio with three lovely women. We were celebrating a return from overseas adventures, a birthday, and the navigating of new chapters, powering through the good, bad and ugly that may have each brought us to that point in time. We talked, ate, and drank well….my favorite kind of night.

Deb and I had often discussed this big, hairy idea that we had to start a blog together. And we started to talk about it as a group that evening. And we were all in to embark on a writing and sharing journey.

Four women.

Four friends.

A mother and a daughter.

Only fundamental commonality is being female.

But we have each had our share of flawed experiences that forced us to find what makes us fearless.

And on those paths, we intersected together and found much needed safe harbors. I know I am a better person because of having Deb, Ann and Becca in my life.

And how incredible would it be to have an outlet to share our stories, opinions, trials and tribulations.

It took some time to coordinate our efforts. And I am grateful for all of the help along the way from this talented team in designing our logo, creating our images, and establishing our new website.

So here we are with this forum.

I can’t fully say today why I am both flawed and fearless. But I am confident that all of that will emerge over time and through my posts.

I thrive on goals thanks to my type A personality, and so here is a short list of what I hope this blog accomplishes.

-celebrates friendship that is pure and true

-provides an outlet for sharing the good of life and navigating tricky situations and tough realities

-gives a multi-generational and candid voice to what makes each one of us unique

-exposes the common threads that have brought us all together

-honors all of the powerful and amazing aspects of being female

-invites other writers to contribute and collaborate

I couldn’t be more excited for how this has all come together. Here’s to the FBF journey!