Why We Are Fearless
Earlier this year, Ann, Deb and me hosted an event to celebrate the launch of this blog. It was definitely a highlight of my year, and I loved every moment of it.
The good moments of this past year aside, I am ready for this year to be over. Don’t get me wrong – I am profoundly grateful for all of the wonderful aspects of my life.
But it just seems like there was a lot of bad and yuck this year. Maybe it is Mercury being misaligned or the tone of the universe. Whatever it might be, I am looking forward to what the new year will bring.
On that note, it seems timely to share the words written at our blog launch party. We asked our guests to share on a post-it as to what made them fearless, and the writings are inspirational.
May we feel surrounded by grace and strength as we read these words, and know the folks behind these words are in our lives. How much better can it be than that?
And cheers to you and yours for a joyous holiday season.
Why Are You Fearless?
I am fearless because of my experiences in life. My past has made me strong. My family and friends support and love lift me up daily!
I can listen to hear, not just respond.
I fall, I get up. I fall again, I get up. Smile. Be brave – keep going. Some say I am stupid happy. So be it. Life is beautiful with all its flaws. Bring it on….
Because my husband is my best friend, and fear cannot survive the light of love.
I am fearless because I don’t think about what other people think about me anymore. I’m just me and I’m comfortable in my own skin.
Because fear is a mind killer.
I’m fearless for my children.
Because I have people encouraging me every day.
Because my best lessons have come from my failures and mistakes.
Because I am who I am and I love it.
Because there is no other way to be…. if you have support from women friends!
Because I trust.
Because I faced cancer…. and I didn’t back down.
I really, really try not to care what anyone else thinks about me – unless I choose to embrace it. Either because its constructive feedback for growth or because it feels good and positive.
Because I am supported by a strong tribe of women who encourage me to use my voice for good.
Aren’t we all? Seriously, I feel as if I am when I put fears and insecurities aside and stick my neck out and be me!!
I believe in “taking a seat at the table”. Contribute to the discussion. Put forth my ideas even when they differ.
Because in one year, I have persevered through breast cancer surgery, my mom’s death, and loss of a job, but I’m keeping my head up!
Because life is more fun when you’re fearless!
I’m fearless for letting go of toxic relationships.
Because I left an abusive relationship and am now happily married to my soulmate.
Because fear is a liar.
I am fearless because I choose being loved and appreciated over financial security that came with loneliness. I will have flaws but I will have happiness.